

Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
comic_id bpchar 4 null
comics.comic_id comic_bag_board_comic_id_fkey C
bag_id bpchar 6 NULL::bpchar
bags.bag_id comic_bag_board_bag_id_fkey R
bag_date date 13 null
board_id bpchar 8 NULL::bpchar
boards.board_id comic_bag_board_board_id_fkey R
board_date date 13 null


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
comic_bag_board_pkey Primary key Asc comic_id

Check Constraints

Constraint Name Constraint
comic_bag_board_board_date_check ((((board_id IS NULL) AND (board_date IS NULL)) OR ((board_id IS NOT NULL) AND (board_date IS NOT NULL))))
comic_bag_board_bag_date_check ((((bag_id IS NULL) AND (bag_date IS NULL)) OR ((bag_id IS NOT NULL) AND (bag_date IS NOT NULL))))
