

Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
shop_id bpchar 8 to_char(nextval('shop_id_seq'::regclass), '"SHOP-"FM000'::text)
transactions.shop_id transactions_shop_id_fkey R
name varchar 32 null
type varchar 16 null
city text 2147483647 null
state bpchar 2 null
country bpchar 3 null
zip bpchar 5 null


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
shops_pkey Primary key Asc shop_id

Check Constraints

Constraint Name Constraint
shops_id_check ((shop_id ~ '^SHOP-\d{3}$'::text))
shops_country_check (((((type)::text <> 'ONLINE STORE'::text) AND (country IS NOT NULL)) OR (((type)::text = 'ONLINE STORE'::text) AND (country IS NULL))))
shops_type_check (((type)::text = ANY ((ARRAY['BOOKSTORE'::character varying, 'EVENT STORE'::character varying, 'LCS'::character varying, 'LIBRARY'::character varying, 'PRIVATE SELLER'::character varying, 'PUBLISHER'::character varying, 'ONLINE STORE'::character varying])::text[])))
